Saturday, February 16, 2013

Finding the best Mobile Asian Porn Sites

Finding good mobile porn sites on the web is difficult to do, especially when there are hundreds of thousands of sites to surf to find a friend mobile version porn site.  Google doesn't help much, as their porn seaches are more aimed at higher end porn sites, that usually show porntube based sites under mobile porn searches.

In the realm of Asian porn, there are a few good starting places when looking to find good mobile based porn sites.  

First of all, users of iphones, ipods and ipads, know that porntube sites are a "no no" when trying to view porn videos on their device.   Never include the keywords "porntube" in your search, as that will bring you results that you will not be able to view on your mobile device. Instead, look for Asian porn sites that provide mpeg or wmv style videos.  These videos, even in the site isn't designed for a mobile device, will allow you to play the porn videos on your site.

The best Asian sites dedicated to mobile porn, are sites like which provides mobile links to sites like Naughty America and BargirlCash.  These sites are optimized for mobile surfers and downloadable on mobile devices.  

Good key word searches for mobile Asian porn include:

"Asian Mobile Porn"
"Mobile Asian Porn"
"Mobile Filipina Porn"
"Filipina Mobile Porn"
"Mobile PinayPorn"
"Mobile Thai Porn"
"Tai Mobile Porn"

and so on....

Good luck with your surfing.

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